Tales Of Frugality

Tales of Frugality: My First New Hampshire Apartment

This is a sort of sequel post to the one about my unfortunate first night in Dublin. But while that ordeal lasted less than 12 hours, this one lasted 9 months. In this entry of the tales of frugality, I’ll take you through the harrowing story of my first apartment in New Hampshire. There’s inexperience, bad roommates, a sleazy landlady, and Mushroom Guy. So strap in, it’s going to be a long one. Striking Out…

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The Monthly Memory

The Monthly Memory September 2021: Finally Our Wedding Reception

September is one of the great transition months. Schools reopen, the weather starts to cool, and New England’s greatest season begins. The fall is my favorite season and September is great for doing fun fall traditions. The leaves are just starting to turn here in southern New England, and that with the cool air makes it the best season for afternoon walks. Cozy weather has finally arrived. September was a great and packed month for…

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